The physical just means that: Keep yourself in shape through regular exercise, which will deepen energy reserves, strengthen endurance, heighten emotional passion and magnify the sense of pleasure, all of which are important components in a sexual relationship.
While sex is a multidimensional thing, if you have weak knees or a painful back, then everything else will buckle under and your sex life will simply crumble.
You don’t have to look far or go shopping for exotic equipment or learn new techniques. The solution begins by just looking at yourself and your partner.
How well do you communicate?
Good Communication may be all that’s needed. Assuming you are both in fine physical shape, are you both communicating with each other well?
Get to know how things are. Be as open and as detailed as you need to be.
After the initial conversation is squared away, you’ll find that a new level of openness will come automatically and that you will feel more at ease to talk and exchange notes.
Chances are, you may find the discussion developing into an arousing atmosphere. By simply having these open discussions about your sexual relationship, an improvement will finds its own way out into the open.
Furthermore, now that you are both able to convey feelings and emotions to each other in an open manner, you’ll find that it will likewise be easy to try new things that will lead to improved sex.
Remember: It is unreasonable to expect good sex if you cannot talk realistically about it. For a different kind of sex tips check here.
So, you see, mumbo-jumbo literature or wonder pills, organ enhancers or aphrodisiacs or exotic undergarments are not always necessary to improve your sex life.
Another element of communication should be mentioned here: Laughter or humor. If you keep your partner happy, then you can expect them to enjoy themselves.
Here’s another tip: A humorous person is quite often a confident person. The last thing your sexual partner wants you to have is hang-ups or emotional baggage. Stay loose and funny but keep within decent bounds, and never resort to insulting remarks even if you think they are very funny.
Remember also that sex is just as much about giving pleasure to your partner as pleasing your own self. Put him or her first, you can come next, so to speak. Make each sexual encounter seem like it’s better than the previous one or like it’s going to last for a long, long, long, long time.
Keep up those little intimate conversations, whether it is affectionate or naughty talk; it reassures your partner to know that you are thinking of him or her. The chitchat can pave the way to trying new things or thinking up new ways, and is a great way to provide feedback if something is going great or not working at all.
Try to keep pace with your partner and don’t just leave him or her afterwards. Let the afterglow period percolate the emotions and feelings that you’ve just went through together.
A healthy couple has the stamina and staying power to continue trying new things, the better to please each other sexually. This is why being in good physical shape is just as important as the right frame of mind to improve your sex.
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